
Return&Cancellation Policy

  0. Generally, refunds will not be accepted after payment confirmation.

  1. Orders can be canceled within one month of the order date, before payment is confirmed.
  2. Cancellation of orders will not be accepted after payment confirmation
    (as the order processing or shipment preparation has already commenced).
  3. Refunds will only be granted under the following circumstances:
    • Inability to procure the product,
    due to circumstances such as manufacturer discontinuation, stock shortages, or market unavailability.
    • Damages or loss occurring during transportation,
    as verified by the investigation report from the shipping carrier.
    • When the product delivered differs from the product ordered
    subject to the necessary procedures requested by our company and the subsequent determination.
  4. Refunds will not be granted if the product is unable to clear customs:
    • Since the customs clearance process is the responsibility of the customer, refunds will not be issued.
  5. While exemption from liability due to force majeure is applicable, a refund may be considered in certain cases.
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